Monday, January 10, 2005, 7:29 pm
^_^_NeW bLoG sKiN_^_^
this is my new blog skin...nice or not...i really like the nice...haha...kk...back to the real topics for today...chem re-exam..!!!..oh my god...i'm going to fail liao lor...a lot of mole qns dunno how to do...emaths re-exam...not bad lah...quite easy...but got make mistakes lah (i think)...chiu yee said she did not have enough sleep...only slept for 15 mins...poor thing...she looked so tired n restless...hope she today got enough sleep...i was so worried about the chem re-exam...until i forgot all the fun things that happen today...tomolo i need to go for higher chinese boring...n must go jurong far...but this oso not the 1st time mind now only fill with chem, phy, lit n chinese....arh...wednesday faster that all this re-examz will be over n more re-exam will appear in my life come.......