Monday, October 06, 2008, 3:08 am
Another happy thing happen today.. keke.. finally can confirm that i met a great friend.. glad to have talk to him.. now my list of people that i can talk to has increased to 6 ppl.. one of them is this friend.. thanks for everything =) glad to have known you
12:28 am
Feels much better today.. after having so much good food.. keke.. I finally tidied up my wardrobe.. look so much neater.. easier to find my clothes too.. spend most of my time today eating and watching cartoons.. hope tonight I can sleep well cause I had a hard time sleeping yesterday.. argh.. lay on my bed for one hour plus and my eyes still wide open.. woo.. don't want this to happen again.. is time to tune back my sleeping time.. if not.. I'll keep feeling sleepy when school starts..
I really need to post some happy stuff and leave those bad stuff away..
It's time to create some happy memories that I'll remember forever.. as happy memories are somethings that keep me going on.. to cheer me up when I'm down..