Saturday, March 14, 2009, 3:55 pm
I'vee been thinking whether I should go and look for a part time job or slack awhile more. Or may be I should spend more time on my blogshop and come out with more shoes designs, which are in my mind for quite some time. I got a lot designs ideas but too lazy to draw them out. I just received an order for two pairs of shoes. Of caus this money is easy and difficult to earn. Easy because it won't take me more than two days to complete one pair of shoes and difficult because I got to buy the shoes and paint them. But nevertheless, drawing is something I like. However, I often enjoy drawing not colouring. HAHA. Yet, everytime I finished a pair of shoes with colour, I feel proud of myself and satisfied, even though it may not be very perfect. So should I look for a job or continue to work on my blogshop? Hmm..